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David Roberts (1796-1864) - Entrance to Madrid, the Gate of Alcala
  • David Roberts (1796-1864) - Entrance to Madrid, the Gate of Alcala

    Roberts arrived in Madrid on the 6 December 1832 and stayed there for three weeks completing many drawings during this period. He was particuarly interesed in the Museo del Prado "which he described as a 'great treat' [being] enraptured by Velasquez and declared that Murillo was 'great'" (Sim, p.69). This lithograph depicts the entrance to Madrid at the Neo-classical Gate of Alcala in the Plaza de la Independencia. It is older than the Arc de Triomphe and considered to be the first post-Roman triumphal arch built in Europe. Previously, as drawn by Roberts it was part of the former City Walls of Philip IV. The artist has created a bustling scene which he must have been proud of as he made the lithograph himself of this work for the Picturesque Sketches in Spain folio.


    Medium: Original hand-coloured lithograph by David Roberts.


    Plate 18.


    Inscribed lower left 'The Entrance to Madrid, the Gate of Alcala', 30.5 x 42 cm, framed.



    Katherine Sim. David Roberts R.A. 1796-1864: A Biography. Quartet Books: London, 1984.

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